Throughout this research project, there have been multiple arguments for and against the existence of the paranormal, a pseudo-science which principles are absolutely vital for the survival of haunted buildings. Without this belief, the main premise of what creates a presence of ghosts and ‘residual energy’ would be lost, and the very character of a piece of architecture would become generic.
So, does the haunted aspect of a space repurpose buildings? It is evident that by catagorising an otherwise regular piece of architecture, it is brought to life. In some cases, even given new meaning and new enthusiasm. After looking at the Sathorn Unique, it is clear that the future of abandoned buildings is one of great interest, and perhaps with dark consequences, creates both tourism and passion around the world.
By studying the case study buildings combined with the possible cultural aspect of their nature, it has become known that in the majority of cases, a buildings lore drives its atmosphere, and often the design is forgotten. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there isn’t such a thing as “horror architecture”, as throughout history and in ever-changing trends, what spaces we deem haunted has attached itself to specific aesthetic attributes. This can too, drive the atmosphere of a space. Marie-Catherine Mousseau describes the power of suggestion in belief in parapsychology (belief in the paranormal) over apparent scientific evidence in her Journal of Scientific Exploration CITATION Mou03 \l 2057 (Mousseau 2003);
“There probably is more reliance on anecdotal evidence within parapsychology than within most other sciences. Testimonials are particularly common in relation to claims of psychic ability, for example, and anecdotal evidence is common with respect to reports of alleged haunting”
The conclusion that this research comes to is simple – subjectivity and individualism is vitally important. It has been suggested through this body of research that the atmosphere of a building, whether it be influenced by culture or design, exists entirely in the mind of the visitor or occupant.
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